The most powerful christian testimonies
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70 testimonies found related to Héctor de la Cruz ex drogadicto
Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2013
Conversion testimony
Hombre VUELVE de la MUERTE y cuenta su experiencia en el CIELO
Hombre VUELVE de la MUERTE y cuenta su experiencia en el CIELO, expereincias fuera del cuerpo, experiencias cercanas a la muerte, visita al cielo, viaje al cielo, hombre resucita luego de accidente, m...

Created by Cristian
On Feb-20-2011
Conversion testimony
Una pareja se separa, pero a raíz de la enfermedad de uno de sus hijos, se reunen nuevamente

Created by Cristian
On Feb-02-2015
Healing testimony
Un Milagro Sorprendente, niña crece ante las camaras, el poder de la palabra en acción
Una niña con un pie corto, recibe el milagro y su pié se estira, pero es impresionante ver cómo al declararle al pie que volviera como estaba, el pie retrocede, pero luego se declara una sanidad po...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
Un joven escapa de un hogar disfuncional, para refugiarse en la turbulencia de las calles

Created by Cristian
On Apr-07-2011
Conversion testimony
Un hombre hace de las drogas su vida y tiene un encuentro cercano con la muerte

Created by Cristian
On Apr-10-2015
Conversion testimony
Tres personas que volvieron de la muerte con un testimonio impactante, realizado por Crónicas RCN
Estos son tres colombianos que no eran cristianos y que fallecieron en diferentes escenarios, se les mostró la realidad de su destino eterno, escuchen lo que vieron y como lo narran, es impactantes....

Created by Cristian
On Jan-28-2011
Healing testimony
Testimonio Vivo - La Idolatria Me Alejo De La Verdad

Created by Cristian
On Feb-25-2011
Impact testimony
testimonio impactante del infierno y el cielo de la hermana carmen vellon en conroe tx

Created by Cristian
On Aug-16-2011
Healing testimony
Testimonio del Poder de Dios y del Poder de la Palabra

Created by Cristian
On Mar-03-2011
Healing testimony
Testimonio del Poder de Dios y del Poder de la Palabra

Created by Cristian
On Mar-03-2011
Healing testimony
Testimonio del Elbert Gonzalez de la Sanidad de Hepatitis C - Parte 2

Created by Cristian
On Mar-03-2011
Healing testimony
Testimonio del Elbert Gonzalez de la Sanidad de Hepatitis C - Parte 1

Created by Cristian
On Mar-04-2011
Impact testimony
Testimonio De La Niña De 8 Años Que Fue Al Cielo E Infierno Parte " 2 "

Related testimonies
He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim....
Michael Thornton became a male prostitute to pay for his drug addiction. But beyond the pain and the shame, he found a Love who could truly redeem him. See his testimony and how Jesus Christ saved his life from cocaine, suicide, drugs and depression...
Charles Goodman suffered with Lou Gehrig's disease for years, but one day he experienced a miraculous healing....
Hans felt called out of the secular music world and is now a Christian hip hop artist with a new found peace and purpose....
“I was the kind of person who would rather be in a lower level of class and get an A, than be in a higher of level of class and get a B because I couldn't handle the idea of not being the smartest kid in the room.”...
Maria and Melvin hoped for months to have a child. Even though Maria had a son before she they met, she couldn’t conceive this time. They trusted it was in God’s time. ...
Testimony of a Jew that turned to Jesus Christ. A beautiful testimony!...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-19-2013
Barren Womb Opened With Prayer
Andrea was told by doctors that she would be unable to have a baby, but a prayer on The 700 Club led to a miracle for this glowing mother....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-25-2011
Tekoya Hester: To Dance Again
A young vibrant girl suffered pain in her shoulder and arm from a car accident until the Lord healed her. Now she is back to her energetic lifestyle of working out and hip hop dancing....




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